The Nigeria of today is not the Nigerian dream of the founding fathers of our great nation.
Lawmakers or lawbreakers?
Nigeria is now an intellectually bankrupt nation populated by the most intellectually retarded people since 1960 to date and that is why 78 per cent of Nigerian children in their locality are out of school during school hours each with the country having the highest number of children out of school in the world.
Only children of retarded parents are out of school, because no educated parent will deprive his or her child good education.
The grave consequences of this predicament are socioeconomic and sociopolitical catastrophe and the current conflicts in the north will be insignificant when the time bomb explodes before our very eyes.
Majority of Nigerian parents have failed.
Especially the majority breeding like rabbits without intelligence and later they abandon the future of their unfortunate kids to fate.
These are millions of innocent kids who never asked to be born into a precarious life of retarded parents.
I have seen better parenting among sheep than among many Nigerian parents. They have lost their compass of morality.
The religions have failed.
The churches have failed and we can no longer separate the goats and the sheep.
The mosques have failed, since Muslims are now fighting and killing themselves even during the Ramadan.
They have lost their sanctity.
The schools have failed.
Minister of Education, Ruqayyatu Rufai, brought the situation into a sharper focus when she admitted that there were a total of 207, 813 unqualified teachers spread across the 36 states of the federation. She went on to explain that the North-West geopolitical zone had 46.8 per cent of the unqualified teachers, while the North-East had 57.7 per cent; North-Central 38 per cent; South-East 16.7 per cent; South-South 19.2 per cent; and South-West 6.7 per cent. And yet many private schools are springing up daily like mushrooms among weeds and deceiving ignorant and retarded parents to send their innocent children to them, but they don't have qualified teachers, because they cannot afford academically certified teachers.
That is why millions of school leavers and graduates of tertiary institutions are jobless and majority of the jobless are too clueless to create "too legit to quit" jobs for themselves.
They are all waiting for salary jobs that can never be enough for even the most qualified among the millions of jobless and clueless youths roaming the streets. And they are so self-destructive in their lifestyles without any noteworthy ambition.
You can throw them into two categories. The opportunists and the idiots.
The opportunists actually think they are smart, but majority of them contribute little or nothing to the GDP.
The idiots are those with low IQ and they just want to live without taking up the challenges of nation building.
They are the cheap recruits of the title chasers posing and posturing as politicians used as expendables.
Among them are the hordes of Nigerian girls and women who think the best they can do is use their sexuality to make ends meet. They have shallow lives from the dumb to the dumbest of them and the tragedy is they breed their kind and increase their population of idiots.
The majority of state governments have failed.
A simple tour of the states is all you need to see how these political office holders, their accomplices and beneficiaries have bastardized democracy and vandalized governance. And we have incompetent commissioners and ministers who are mere title chasers and not nation builders.
Of course they cannot perform, because they cannot give what they don't have. And they can only fake it.

The lawmakers are collecting millions of dollars as salaries and allowances without conscience and without shame and the worse state of anyone alive is to have no conscience and no shame. Yeah! There are exceptional lawmakers at the National Assembly. Please, show me how much they have done for their constituencies.
The Senate President, Senator David Mark and Senator Chris Ngige have given out scholarships to many students from their constituencies. What of the others?
I know a senator who has spent more millions pampering himself than what he has spent on the scholarships he boasted that he has given to his beneficiaries.
How many of these political office holders send their children to public schools in Nigeria?
If the public schools are not good enough for their children, then who do we blame?