From left to right: Isabel Romero, Soledad Perez, Bashira Escudero and Ángel.
Volunteers at FCAT Cordoba against the sexual exploitation and trafficking of women and children
The team of volunteers has organised a Cineforum under this topic in celebration of the International Day Against the Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking of Women and Children
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Volunteers at FCAT Cordoba against the sexual exploitation and trafficking of women and children
The team of volunteers has organised a Cineforum under this topic in celebration of the International Day Against the Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking of Women and Children
Cordoba, 25th September 2013. The African Film Festival of Cordoba counts on an important body of volunteers who have been involved in a wide range of activities since early September. As part of them, there has been a cineforum at the Film Archive of Andalusia on trafficking of women and children, in celebration of the International Day Against the Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking of Women and Children. This initiative has been sponsored by the Women Andalusian Institute (Instituto Andaluz de la Mujer) and NGOD Women in Conflict Zones.
The event, entitled “In Search of the End” [“En Busca del Fin”] has taken place from 17.30 to 20.00 on the 24thof September at the venue Josefina (Film Archive of Andalusia). The volunteers have vividly participated in a debate chaired by Soledad Pérez (MP of Junta de Andalusia) and Bashira Escudero (Women in Conflict Zones). “Very often women captured in these nets are not aware of their condition of victim”, Escudero stated, “thus we do not just identify these women, but we offer them a psychological support and juridical assistance”. However, the audience was shocked after Pérez read the report of 2012 of the actions to prevent the trafficking of women and children and sexual exploitation. “There is a very weak chain from the risk, to crime and conviction”, Pérez has claimed. “At the moment, there is no strategy to prevent and act for the eradication of this problem. This debate has disappeared from the political discourse”. Finally, she has enjoyed the occasion to denounce the fact that “in Spain, as a country, we have never fully rejected prostitution. And many youngsters even see it as something fun to do with their friends”. The problem, as the debate has pointed out requires as well to rethink the notion of trafficking, very often mistaken with that of prostitution. This forum has concluded with the screening of the documentary film Les filières africaines de la prostitution, by Olivier Enogo, aimed precisely at raising awareness of this issue, which has given faces to the issues discussed during the debate.
With this activity, the team of volunteers at FACT Cordoba wants to claim the need for implementing a comprehensive law on trafficking of people for sexual exploitation. This law should focus on preventing this scourge, the development of actions to avoid inappropriate sexual content in publicity and to establish services for the protection of the victims.
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