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SYLVAFRANK Excites Nigerian Consumers with Premium Tomatoes, Mackerel and Seasoning Brands


SYLVAFRANK Excites Nigerian Consumers with Premium Tomatoes, Mackerel and Seasoning Brands

~ By Ingram Osigwe

SYLVAFRANK International Limited the sole importers and marketers of St Rita tomatoes can make bold the claim that St Rita’s paste tomatoes is now a market leader in the country. Housewives and Caterers from Calabar to Kano, Sokoto to Abeokuta, Lagos to Enugu and Awka to Warri savour with delight the rich taste of St Rita Tomato Paste. St Rita’s Tomatoes is barely 5 years in the Nigeria but the impact and the market attest much to the quality.

When asked about the success story, the marketing manager of Sylva Frank International Limited has this to say, The Nigerian consumers are getting sophisticated about their choice of quality goods. St Rita has exceeded the expectation of what a good tomato should be.

The marketing manager reiterates their resolve to continue with this tradition of quality. St Rita’s products contain the finest-quality vine-ripened tomatoes to help bring out the flavor of family-favorite meals. Creating these superior tomato products takes skill, time, and experience, as well as state-of-the-art equipment.
In cooking, seasonings include herbs, spices and special additives are used to enhance the taste of recipes, especially sauce, soup, stew and marinade. To season and to flavor, may be described as different aspects of cooking. Seasonings are usually salt-based additives used to magnify the natural flavor of food ingredients, making it richer and more delicate depending on the dish. Flavourings on the other hand, are herbal (and in Africa, lentil seed based) condiments added to recipes, to enhance the aromatic qualities of the food, thus enhancing its ability to stimulate the taste buds, making food more appealing to the consumers.

In modern times however, food technologists have been able to combine the natural qualities of herbs and lentils with the strong tastes of salt, to produce special seasonings which come in whole packages, either as pastes, powders or cube format. After the successes of St.Rita tomato paste, Sylva Frank Nigeria limited, has decided to raise the ante a little higher in its bid to make cooking a pleasurable activity for wives and caterers all over the country introduced Bullion cubes to market. It has been a trail blazer in the seasoning sector of the condiments market because it combines all the qualities of existing brands while at the same coming in different varieties and a good price. Bullion cubes have all the vitamins and minerals recommended by the American FDA for a normal daily intake by all human beings, as well as salt and extracts of local herbs, spices and lentil seeds; more than all that, it comes at a highly affordable price.

Also taking into consideration the high price of good quality mackerel in tomato paste these days, and the proliferation of poor quality mackerels in the market today, Sylva Frank stormed the market with its own brand of mackerel in tomato paste. Especially packed with mackerel from Japanese trawlers, Sylva frank mackerel combined all the excellent qualities of fish as the best source of animal protein in the world, with the excellent taste of well preserved mackerel and as well as the good food qualities of tomato, to present a wholesome good package for wives and caterers all over the country.

The health benefits of Good Tomato paste cannot be over emphasized, Good Tomatoes like St RITA are widely known for their outstanding antioxidant content, including, of course, their oftentimes-rich concentration of lycopene which reduces chances of cancer in human in human beings, Good tomato helps to reduce Sunburn, Consuming tomato paste may help protect you against flushing that occurs as a result of exposure to ultraviolet light, mackerel, like all fishes come with fish liver oil which is rich in vitamin E, and good for the heart, and also has a high concentration of Lysine, the most digestible form of protein. Sylvafrank mackerel combines all these qualities in addition with their special brand characteristics of excellent quality and good taste as well as good prices and availability in the market.
As Sylvafrank wishes all their customers an excellent yuletide, they are also informing them of the prospects of an excellent new year with excellent premium products.
...St. Rita, for tasty and delicious meals

Media Contact:

Mr. Ingram Adichie Osigwe
MD/CEO Fullpage International Communications Limited.

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UNEP and INTERPOL Assess Impacts of Environmental Crime on Security and Development


6 Nov 2013 14:40 Africa/Lagos

 UNEP and INTERPOL Assess Impacts of Environmental Crime on Security and Development

NAIROBI, Kenya, 6 November 2013 / PRNewswire Africa / - Environmental crime - from the illegal trade in wildlife and timber and the smuggling of ozone depleting substances to the illicit trade in hazardous waste and illegal fishing - is a serious and growing international problem, whose impacts transcend national borders.

Environmental crime affects all sectors of society and is often linked with the exploitation of disadvantaged communities, human rights abuses, violence, conflict, money laundering, corruption and international criminal syndicates.

Wildlife crime alone is estimated to be worth USD $15 - 20 billion annually and is recognized as the fourth largest global illegal trade behind illegal drugs, human trafficking and trade armaments.
Studies indicate that the illegal trade in wildlife and timber may help finance terrorism and organized crime across the world.

The same routes used to smuggle wildlife across countries and continents are often used to smuggle weapons, drugs and people.

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) estimates that up to 14,000 tonnes of CFCs, worth approximately USD $60 million were smuggled into developing countries annually up to 2006.
At the same time, electrical and electronic waste (e-waste) is the fastest growing waste stream in the world.

Up to 50 million tons of e-waste is generated annually with only a 10 per cent recycling rate.
Shipments of waste across the globe are in some cases contravening the UNEP-hosted treaty, the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal.
Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing accounts to 11 - 26 million tonnes a year, equivalent to 15 percent of world catches.

UN Under-Secretary General and UNEP Executive Director, Achim Steiner, said, “The theft of natural resources by the few at the expense of the many is rapidly emerging as a new challenge to poverty eradication, sustainable development and a transition towards an inclusive Green Economy when one looks at the scale and breadth of these criminal activities”.

“Interpol along with United Nations bodies such as the UN Office on Drugs and Crime is at the forefront of the response to this challenge and UNEP is committed to supporting their work and the evolution of the
rule of law into the realm of environment and sustainability,” he added.

“The sharp rise in the poaching of elephants and rhino in Africa may be the issues that are grabbing the headlines. But as this week's forum shows the breadth of environmental crime does not end here. Whether it be timber or fisheries or the dumping of hazardous wastes, improved intelligence gathering, focused police work, strengthened customs capacity and the engagement of the judiciary are all going to be vital pieces towards our shared ambition of a less crime-ridden and more just world,” said Mr. Steiner.
INTERPOL and UNEP are working together to enhance environmental compliance and enforcement at the national level and across borders.

The first Executive Level Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Committee (ECEC) Meeting (to be held in Nairobi from 7 to 8 November) will look into developing and implementing innovative strategies to combat environmental crime, working with governments, international organizations and local communities.

Elephants in the Dust
This week's meeting comes amid growing concern of the resurgence of elephant poaching. Populations of elephants in Africa continue to be under severe threat as the illegal trade in ivory grows - with double the numbers of elephants killed and triple the amounts of ivory seized over the last decade.
According to a recent report by UNEP and partners, the systematic monitoring of large-scale seizures of ivory destined for Asia is indicative of the involvement of criminal networks, which are increasingly active and entrenched in the trafficking of ivory between Africa and Asia.

Elephant poaching © Karl Ammann.

An estimated 17,000 African elephants were illegally killed in 2011 at sites monitored by CITES (a UNEP-hosted convention) that are believed to hold around 40 per cent of the total elephant population in Africa.

Large-scale seizures of ivory (consignments of over 800 kg) destined for Asia have more than doubled since 2009 and reached an all-time high in 2011.

Large movements of ivory that comprise the tusks of hundreds of elephants in a single shipment are indicative of the increasingly active grip of highly organized criminal networks on Africa's illicit ivory trade.
These criminal networks operate with relative impunity as there is almost no evidence of successful arrests, prosecutions or convictions.

The prevalence of unregulated domestic ivory markets in many African cities, coupled with the growing number of Asian nationals residing in Africa also facilitates the illegal trade in ivory out of Africa.
Poaching is spreading primarily as a result of weak governance and rising demand for illegal ivory in the rapidly growing economies of Asia, particularly China, which is the world's largest destination markets.
The high levels of poaching are, in some cases, facilitated by conflicts that, through lawlessness and ensuing abundance of small arms, provide optimal conditions for the illegal killing of elephants.

Earlier this year, an INTERPOL-led operation targeting criminal organizations behind the illegal trafficking of ivory in West and Central Africa resulted in some 66 arrests and the seizure of nearly 4,000 ivory products and 50 elephant tusks, in addition to military grade weapons and cash.

Interventions across five countries – Central African Republic, Côte d'Ivoire, Congo, Guinea and Liberia– also resulted in the seizure of 148 animal parts and 222 live animals, including crocodiles and parrots, which were released back into the wild.

Illegal Logging and Project Leaf
Between 50 to 90 per cent of logging - in key tropical countries of the Amazon basin, Central Africa and South East Asia - is being carried out by organized crime, threatening efforts to combat climate change, deforestation, conserve wildlife and eradicate poverty.

Globally, illegal logging - worth between US$30-100 billion annually - accounts for between 15 and 30 per cent of the overall global trade, according to a UNEP-INTERPOL report entitled, Green Carbon

Black Trade.
The trans-national nature of illegal logging raises difficulties for law enforcement and regulators, who are often limited in their ability to work outside their own domestic jurisdiction.

INTERPOL's first international operation targeting large-scale illegal logging and forest crimes, in February 2013, resulted in almost 200 arrests as well as in the seizure of millions of dollars' worth of timber and some 150 vehicles across Latin America.

The operation, carried out under Project Leaf , an INTERPOL-UNEP initiative, was undertaken in 12 countries in Central and South America brought together law enforcement agencies to combat forestry crime in Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Paraguay, Peru, and Venezuela.

The resulting seizures of wood and related products during the operation are estimated to amount to more than 50,000 m3 of seized wood, equivalent to some 2,000 truckloads of timber. The total value of the seized timber is estimated at around USD 8 million.

One of the key aims of the operation was the development of practical cooperation and communication among national environmental law enforcement agencies, including forest authorities, police, customs, specialized units and international organizations.

Project Leaf supports countries to tackle illegal logging and forestry crime which undermine attempts to implement national and international forest protection policies and sustainable forestry practices.
The illegal trade hampers the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD) initiative - one of the principal tools for catalyzing positive environmental change, sustainable development, job creation and reducing emissions.

Internationally coordinated enforcement efforts need to be stepped up to prevent illegal loggers and cartels from shifting operations from one haven to another to pursue their profitable trade at the expense of the environment, local economies and the lives of indigenous peoples.

Fishy Business
The world's marine fisheries are socially and economically vital, providing animal protein and supporting food security to over 1 billion people.

Photo Credit: Pipeline Dreams.

World fisheries deliver annual profits to fishing enterprises worldwide of about US$8 billion and support directly and indirectly 170 million jobs, providing some US$35 billion in household income a year, according to studies by UNEP's Green Economy team.

When the total direct, indirect and induced economic effects arising from marine fish populations in the world economy are accounted for, the contribution of the sector to global economic output is found to amount to some US$235 billion per year.

At the same time, pirate fishing accounts for an estimated 20 per cent of the world's catch and as much as 50 per cent in some fisheries, according to WWF estimates, with the value of pirate fish products estimated at between $10-23.5 billion annually.

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reports that 52 per cent of the world's marine fish stocks are fully exploited, 16 per cent are over-exploited and 7 per cent are depleted.
Project Scale is an INTERPOL initiative to detect, suppress and combat fisheries crime.
The project, launched in February 2013, aims to assess the needs of vulnerable member countries to effectively combat fisheries crimes and to conduct operations to suppress crime, disrupt trafficking routes, and ensure the enforcement of national legislation.

The project will conduct region- or commodity-specific operations tailored to the needs of vulnerable areas, such as the West African coastal region.

Illegal Trade in Electronic Waste
Electrical and electronic waste is the fastest growing waste stream in the world, a consequence of rapid turnover of electronic devices, particularly in developed countries.
E-waste is often diverted to the black market to avoid the costs associated with legitimate recycling.
The first INTERPOL operation targeting the illegal trade of electronic waste in 2012 saw the seizure of more than 240 tonnes of electronic equipment and electrical goods and the launch of criminal investigations against some 40 companies involved in all aspects of the illicit trade.

The operation aimed to identify and disrupt the illegal collection, recycling, export, import and shipping of discarded electronic products such as computers, televisions and other electronic devices, before they are dumped in landfills or other sites where they can cause severe environmental harm.

Checks were conducted at major ports in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom in Europe, a region considered to be a common source of electronic waste being shipped internationally, and in Ghana, Guinea and Nigeria in Africa, a region considered to be a destination for this waste. Almost one-third of the checks resulted in the discovery of illegal electronic waste.

The operation also uncovered evidence of new concealment methods used by individuals and companies implicated in the illegal trade of electronic waste. This information will help the international law enforcement community work towards the elimination of these illegal activities.

Need for Firm and Strengthened Action
Environmental crime continues to be on the rise and is now one of the most profitable forms of organized crime.

Despite the international consensus on the need to address environmental crime, enhanced political support and financial investment are needed to tackle such crime more effectively.

INTERPOL encourages countries to establish multi-agency National Environmental Security Task Forces (NESTs) to further strengthen enforcement mechanisms.

The initiative aims to establish a common platform for national compliance and enforcement responses, so as to enhance both national and international efforts on ensuring current and future environmental security.
Penalties for environmental crime vary amongst national governments, where some states impose criminal sanctions for environmental offenses, while others rely on civil or administrative sanctions.

Imposing strict penalties for engaging in environmental crimes may have a significant deterrent effect.
Recovering assets and proceeds of environmental crime by “following the money trail” as well as freezing and ultimately confiscating proceeds to ensure that criminals do not benefit financially from their criminality is also crucial because the proceeds of environmental crime may be used to finance other serious crimes.
At the World Congress on Justice, Governance and Law for Environmental Sustainability – organized last year by UNEP – a gathering of chief justices, heads of jurisdiction, attorneys general, auditors general, chief prosecutors and other high-ranking officials adopted a declaration recognizing the importance of “adherence to the rule of law” for sustainable development.

The declaration was submitted to and was reiterated at the Rio +20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development, where “firm and strengthened action” was called for to be taken on both the supply and demand sides to tackle the illicit trafficking in wildlife.


Releases displayed in Africa/Lagos time
7 Nov 2013
16:49 Global X Funds Launches Next Emerging & Frontier ETF
16:43 EF Helps Mexican Football Stars Prepare for Their Professional Career
14:51 Bristow Group Announces Quarterly Dividend
14:23 Infrastructure Development in West Africa: AfDB Invests US $20 Million in ARM-Harith Infrastructure Fund
14:05 Oryx Petroleum Corporation Limited Announces Third Quarter 2013 Financial and Operational Results and 2014 Capital Budget
08:10 Le Président de la CPI achève sa visite officielle au Nigéria
00:47 ICC President concludes official visit to Nigeria

7 Nov 2013
18:02 Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Security Market Worth $10.33 Billion by 2018
18:00 The Priceline Group's 3rd Quarter 2013 Earnings Press Release To Be Available On Company's Investor Relations Website After Market-Close Today
17:19 Converting Influencers into Brand Advocates and Ambassadors
17:08 Get Your "PURRR" On: Nat Geo WILD and Pur Minerals Join Forces to Help Get Women CatWalk Ready for BIG CAT WEEK with the New "Untamed Glamour" Makeup Collection
17:02 Now on J-Source: Ford blames reporters for not asking correct questions on crack use; The Tyee looks to expand nationally; 10 tips for environmental reporting
16:38 SunSpring(TM) Hybrid Water Filtration System Named a Finalist in Aid Innovation Challenge 2013
16:37 Phone Briefing on ICCAT: The Future of Bluefin Tuna, Sharks and Illegal Fishing in the Atlantic Ocean
16:17 J/Brice Design International, Inc. Selected for New Hyatt Hotel in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
16:14 3 Scenarios for Sponsored Content Success
15:00 AMS-IX USA Inc. to Build an Internet Exchange at DuPont Fabros Technology's  Piscataway, New Jersey Data Center
14:58 Measles vaccination campaign reached 33,400 children in Upper Nile
14:55 Food prices decline but remain above five year average
14:53 IG Markets South Africa - Twitter IPO Listing
14:50 Obstetric fistula campaign launched in three states
14:48 Notable News & Corporate Developments: CenterPoint Energy, Abercrombie & Fitch, Himax Technologies, Wal-Mart Stores, Halliburton Company
14:45 About 8,000 people receive aid in Jonglei's Kongor/Manzuben
14:43 Flood response continued across the country
14:37 South Sudan: Situation overview
14:29 Agriculture Fast Track Fund Now Accepting Grant Applications from African Agri-Business Operators
14:26 AfDB Increases its Capital in Atlantic Coast Regional Fund to Support Local Private Sector Growth in Africa

6 Nov 2013
22:15 Bristow Group To Present At The Jefferies 2013 Global Energy Conference
19:31 Les constructeurs allemands de machines-outils ciblent l'Afrique
14:40 UNEP and INTERPOL Assess Impacts of Environmental Crime on Security and Development
5 Nov 2013
20:00 Thousands of Walden University Volunteers Make a Difference During Global Days of Service
17:34 Specialist Private-Client Practice Chooses Proclaim
15:06 Emergency programme in Benin kick starts farm production after floods

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Nigeria Wins FIFA U-17 World Cup and Makes History

The triumphant Golden Eaglets of Nigeria celebrating their historic victory of winning the FIFA Under 17 World Cup for a record four times.
 ABU DHABI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - NOVEMBER 08: Zaharaddeen Bello of Nigeria celebrates with the trophy after Nigeria win 3-0 during the FIFA U-17 World Cup UAE 2013 Final between Nigeria and Mexico at the Mohamed Bin Zayed Stadium on November 8, 2013 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. (Photo by Richard Heathcote - FIFA/FIFA via Getty Images)
Nigeria's Golden Eaglets Friday evening won the 2013 FIFA U-17 World Cup and made history by winning the trophy for the fourth time, the first by any country in the history of the tournament.  The under 17 national team of Nigeria defeated the Mexican under 17 national team by 3-0 at the  El Zayed Stadium in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. 
Nigeria won the maiden edition in China in 1985,  won it again in Japan in 1993 and won it for the third time in Korea Republic in 2007.

Congratulations to the Golden Eaglets of Nigeria.

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The United Nations of Digital and Technology


8 Nov 2013 14:44 Africa/Lagos

The United Nations of Digital & Technology

ISTANBUL, November 8, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --
This is how the 8200 attendees from 103 countries, the 300 speakers, exhibitors and 300 media perceived the Global Webit Congress. Over 160,000 people watched the Congress online.

The Global Webit Congress made its way among the biggest and most attended international forums for the digital and technology industry.

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131108/652838 )

Webit Congress's Founder and Chairman, Plamen Russev, gave an opening speech on 6 November 2013: "Today Istanbul is even more amazing! It welcomes some of the brightest people on Earth to attend the Global Webit Congress. Digital marketing and technology ecosystems, investors, entrepreneurs and scalable startups from all over the world shall connect and network during the 2 days of the forum." He also thanked the big number of sponsors, exhibitors and partners who supported the Congress and made it happen. "Webit is amazing in scale and unique in content" says Ben Barrocas, General Manager Marketplace of Google. "Webit is the United Nations of Digital" said Aseem Chadra, VP, Adobe. "For the past 5 years, Webit turned into one of the world's most exciting and important industry events", stated Andery Sebrant from Yandex. "Webit may establish Istanbul as one of the most important hubs of the global digital industry and as an attraction point for the talents, entrepreneurs, ideas and investors capital" was the most repeated phrase during the Congress by the thousands of attendees who visited from all around the world.

"For us, the Congress is not a magic as many attendees said. It is a result of very hard work by a huge team of amazing people who managed to bring top global experts and speakers from all around the world to join us in Istanbul and to be a magnet for the thousands of people from 103 countries to join" said Aniela Russeva - Executive Director of Webit Congress. "The Istanbul edition is also a result of our partnership and friendship with Mr. Tarik Köni and his world class event organizing company - Plus Event Marketing - who managed the event set-up and venue in Turkey and helped a lot for the Turkish companies to understand and support Webit Congress- creating an environment for us to call Istanbul a home of the Global Webit Congress for the next year again.

Top representatives from Yandex, IBM, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Spotify, SoundCloud, Yahoo, Lenovo, Acer Nokia, Skype, Twitter, BBC, Unilever, Lakestar, TechCrunch, Pentagram, OMD, comScore, Gemius, PayPal, Blackberry, Intel, Crimton, Vivaki, Joulie, Mediabrands, Wall Street Journal and hundreds more were among the speakers of the Congress.

The Global Webit Congress send a number of messages and set trends for the industry. "Data is the new oil", said Chris Schaumann, EVP Nokia, while later the VPs of BBC, Twitter, Yahoo! and others challenged this topic further whilst discussing the future of Advertising on the Digital Marketing and Innovation stage in front of 3000 delegates. At the other side of the Webit Congress venue at the Leaders of the Future conference, top global entrepreneurs, investors and champions from Westen Europe, America, Africa, Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Asia were focused on exploring new disruptive ideas, growing talents, sharing new ideas and ways to achieve them. The auditorium of the Metrix and Big Data Conference and the big eCommerce Conference were too small for the hundreds fo people who wanted to listen to the challenging content. The same could be said of the expo area - the event was sold out and a number of companies couldn't make it to become exhibitors. In this respect, the organizers plan to expand the Congress next year and to open more expo area for the local and international companies who want to exhibit.

About the Global Webit Congress
The first Global Webit Congress (http://www.WebitCongress.com) was held on 7-8 October 2009. Since then, every year the Congress has grown bigger and bigger, to reach the number of 8200 attendees in 2013, coming from 103 different countries. The Congress attracts the global digital, tech and telco elite and became one of the world's major networking business platforms as well as a place to hear great ideas by scalable startups from all around the world and meet top entrepreneurs and investors. The Global Webit Congress is organized by Webit Ambassadors Foundation and eAcademy. In Turkey, the event partner is Plus Event Marketing. Webit Congress is supported by all major industry associations including IAB, MMA, EACA, EGTA, OPA, Arab ICT Organization, Africa ICT Alliance and tens more.

CONTACT: office@eacad.eu, +(359)888205225

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IBM Opens Doors of First African Research Lab in Kenya


IBM Opens Doors of First African Research Lab - Continent's Grand Challenges in its Sights  

Develops solutions in Africa for Africa and the World

The African continent accounts for 14 percent of the world's population and is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. With a growth rate expected to average 7 percent annually over the next 20 years, Africa is poised to become a leading source of innovation in a variety of industries. To further enhance the scientific and technology base on the African continent, IBM Research has opened a new lab in Nairobi, Kenya.

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Total Professional Woman Network Event at the Protea Hotel in Ikoyi


There is a big event for women in Nigeria, the Total Professional Woman Meetup exclusively for only 200 women at the Protea Hotel, Awolowo Road, Ikoyi, Lagos on 7th of December, 2013.
It is subsidized by UBA for N10, 000 only per woman.

You can call Ms. Yetunde Bello on Tel: 08173114545 or 08033485700 for registratio

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Marriott To Acquire Protea Hotel Group's Hotel Operations and to Become Largest Hotel Company in Africa

7 Nov 2013 22:07 Africa/Lagos

Marriott Signs Letter Of Intent To Acquire Protea Hotel Group's Hotel Operations And Brands

Expects to Become Largest Hotel Company in Africa**  

BETHESDA, Md., Nov. 7, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Marriott International, Inc. (NASDAQ: MAR) today said it has signed a letter of intent with Protea Hospitality Holdings of Cape Town, South Africa to acquire Protea Hotels' brands and its management business that operates or franchises 116  hotels across three brands with 10,184 rooms in South Africa and six other Sub-Saharan African countries.  The transaction would nearly double  Marriott's distribution in Africa to more than 23,000 rooms, and would also provide Marriott with a proven operational platform and leadership team to accelerate Marriott's expansion plans and solidify its leadership position in the dynamic and growing African hotel market. [Click here for images and b-roll.]

Protea Hotels, founded in 1984, manages, franchises and leases hotels across the Protea Hotels brand (104 hotels), comprising a full and diverse range of outstanding hotels and resorts; the award-winning lifestyle boutique Protea Hotel Fire & Ice! brand (2 hotels); and the superior deluxe African Pride Hotels collection (10 hotels).  In addition to its industry-leading 80 hotels in South Africa, Protea Hotels has a significant presence in Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.

As part of the transaction, Protea Hospitality Holdings would create a property ownership company to retain ownership of the hotels it currently owns (and enter into long-term management and lease agreements with Marriott for these hotels).  It would also retain a number of minority interests in other Protea managed hotels.  At closing Marriott would manage approximately 46 percent of the rooms, franchise approximately 40 percent of the rooms, and lease approximately 14 percent of the rooms.

Arne Sorenson, president and chief executive officer of Marriott International, said, "Africa has significant untapped potential for travel and tourism, both as a destination and source of new global travelers. The continent's GDP is anticipated to grow at over five percent annually over the next several years which we expect will raise more people into the emerging middle class. With the Protea Hotels acquisition, our expanded footprint should allow us to become the first choice of Africa's rapidly growing population of young, sophisticated travelers, and drive loyalty to our Marriott Rewards program both within Africa and globally. Protea Hotels enjoys unparalleled brand recognition in Africa, and our combined portfolio of Protea Hotels and current Marriott International brands would create a platform for accelerated growth and new job growth in South Africa and across the continent."

Alex Kyriakidis, president of Marriott International for the Middle East and Africa, said, "The development cycle for opening new hotels in Africa is typically long due to the challenges posed by emerging infrastructure, so joining forces with Protea Hotels and their highly respected management team is the strongest way to jumpstart Marriott's footprint in Africa.  The Marriott Middle East and Africa management team can deliver value and greater growth for Protea's hotel owners by leveraging these terrific brands, represented by 116 hotels and more than 10,000 rooms in seven countries, with Marriott's global sales, marketing and development infrastructure. We believe this would also result in more job creation in South Africa and across the continent."

Arthur Gillis, chief executive officer of Protea Hospitality Group, said "Protea Hotels has grown organically to become the largest and leading hotel group in Sub-Saharan Africa. Aligning with a global giant such as Marriott ensures we can realise the Group's full potential for all of our stakeholders. In Marriott we have found a perfect fit across culture, values and commitment to industry leadership which will ensure that we remain at the forefront of African hospitality."

The otherwise non-binding letter of intent includes provisions that the parties will negotiate exclusively with each other. The transaction is subject to completion of due diligence, negotiation and execution of definitive documents, receipt of customary third party and governmental consents and approvals and satisfaction of other customary conditions for transactions of this kind that the parties expect will be included in the definitive transaction documents.

The proposed terms of the transaction are not being disclosed at this time. The parties stated that they plan to sign definitive agreements by year-end 2013 and the transaction could close in the first three months of 2014. In any event, Marriott does not expect the transaction would have a material impact on its 2014 results.

About Marriott:  Marriott International, Inc. (NASDAQ: MAR) is a leading lodging company based in Bethesda, Maryland, USA, with nearly 3,900 properties in 72 countries and territories and reported revenues of nearly $12 billion in fiscal year 2012.  The company operates and franchises hotels and licenses vacation ownership resorts under 18 brands. For more information or reservations, please visit our website at www.marriott.com, and for the latest company news, visit www.marriottnewscenter.com.

About Protea Hotels:
Protea Hotels is the largest and leading hotel group in Africa with the most extensive footprint; more than 116 hotels throughout South Africa and six other African countries, including Zambia, Nigeria, Namibia, Malawi, Uganda and Tanzania. The company was founded in 1984 and has grown its portfolio and brands since. The group comprises of two brands, namely the mid-up market Protea Hotels (including the lifestyle brand Protea Hotel Fire & Ice!) brand and the superior deluxe African Pride Hotels, Lodges and Country Houses brand.

Protea Hotels is the winner of 2 World Travel Awards for Best Hotel Group in Africa, winner of 3 Sunday Times Markinor Top Hotel Brand Awards, the winner of 4 Coolest Hotel Group awards in the Sunday Times Generation Next surveys and the winner of the Ask Africa South African Customer Service Award 2013.

For more information or reservations, please visit our website at www.proteahotels.com, and for the latest company news, visit www.proteahotels.com/pressroom/Pages/pressroom.aspx.

Note on forward-looking statements: This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of U.S. federal securities laws, including the parties' plans for signing and closing on definitive transaction documents; the resulting impact on the size of Marriott's operations in Africa; and similar statements concerning anticipated future events and expectations that are not historical facts. We caution you that these statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, including the ability of the parties to agree on definitive transaction documents, the receipt of necessary consents, and other risk factors that we identify in our most recent quarterly report on Form 10-Q.  Any of these factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the expectations we express or imply in this press release. We make these forward-looking statements as of the date of this press release. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Video with caption: "Protea Hotel African Pride." Video available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDTA1-urBF0

Image with caption: "Marriott signs letter of intent to acquire Protea Hotel Group's Hotel Operations and Brands; Company expects to become largest hotel company in Africa." Image available at: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131107/MM13074-a

Image with caption: "Marriott signs letter of intent to acquire Protea Hotel Group's Hotel Operations and Brands; Company expects to become largest hotel company in Africa." Image available at: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131107/MM13074-b

Image with caption: "Marriott International, Inc. logo." Image available at: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130531/PH23900LOGO

**Defined by STR Global as the total of operating rooms and rooms under construction for Marriott International and Protea Hotels

SOURCE Marriott International, Inc.
CONTACT: Tom Marder, (301) 380-2553, thomas.marder@marriott.com
Web Site: http://www.marriott.com

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AfDB President Named 2013 African of the Year

 African Development Bank President Dr. Donald Kaberuka. 

 9 Nov 2013 01:52 Africa/Lagos

AfDB President named 2013 African of the Year  

TUNIS-BELVEDERE, Tunisia, 8 November 2013 / PRNewswire Africa / - African Development Bank Group President Donald Kaberuka has been named 2013 African of the Year in recognition of his role in spearheading the Africa50 Fund to mobilize the financing of infrastructure projects on the continent.
The $50,000 award was announced Thursday evening in Addis Ababa during the African Media Leaders Forum. The prize is sponsored by Nigeria's Daily Trust newspaper.

“[This award] is for his bringing to fruition the idea of domestically financed development,” Salim Ahmed Salim, Tanzania's erstwhile foreign minister and former Secretary-General of the Organization of African Unity (current African Union), said at the forum.

The Africa50 Fund seeks to leverage infrastructure financing for transformational development projects from African central bank reserves, pension and sovereign wealth funds; the African diaspora; and high net worth individuals on the continent.

The Fund was endorsed in May 2013 by African Finance Ministers during the Bank's Annual Meetings in Marrakech, where Kaberuka underscored the critical role of infrastructure in Africa's development.
“The one thing which can really slow down the recent performance in its tracks is infrastructure,” he said. “No country in the world has been able to maintain 7% GPD growth and above (sustainably) unless the infrastructure bottleneck is overcome.”

In July, African institutions including the African Union Commission, UN Economic Commission for Africa, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), regional Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) and NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency endorsed the Africa50 Fund as the continent's vehicle for facilitating large-scale mobilization of resources to unlock international private financing with a view to addressing Africa's$45-billion infrastructure gap, according to some estimates.

The African Development Bank will play a lead role in the Fund, said Kaberuka: “It will be a vehicle which can build on the AfDB track record and financial strength as investor, financial engineer, attract local and international pools of savings, utilize smart aid and leverage that to up our funding of infrastructure. It will be a strongly rated instrument able to issue a bond of significance – a bond attractive to investors.”
The Africa50 Fund is a game-changer in the delivery of infrastructure, Salim said Thursday, adding that Africa must take ownership of its development.

“We are proud to honour an idea whose time has come. Dr. Kaberuka has shown what Africa should do,” he said.

The award will be presented at a ceremony slated for January 15 in Abuja.
Last year's African of the Year award went to former South African president Thabo Mbeki..

SOURCE African Development Bank (AfDB)

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Thor: The Dark World Hammers Home $327 Million Globally


"Disney & Marvel Studios 'Thor: The Dark World' generated an impressive $180.1 million in a whopping 67 territories, easily hammering the worldwide competition for the second straight week as it enjoyed a solid North American debut of $86.1 million and in the process further demonstrated the power of superheroes in the global theatrical marketplace. The film's worldwide cume now stands at $327 million."
Rentrak's Senior Media Analyst Paul Dergarabedian.

The top-12 domestic weekend box office estimates listed in descending order, per data collected as of Sunday, Nov. 10, 2013 are below.

1. Thor: The Dark World - Disney - $86.1M
2. Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa - Paramount - $11.3M
3. Free Birds - Relativity Media - $11.2M
4. Last Vegas - CBS Films - $11.1M
5. Ender's Game - Lionsgate - $10.2M
6. Gravity - Warner Bros. - $8.4M
7. 12 Years A Slave - Fox Searchlight - $6.6M
8. Captain Phillips - Sony - $5.8M
9. About Time - Universal - $5.2M
10. Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 - Sony - $2.8M
11. Carrie - Sony - $1.3M
12. All Is Lost - Roadside Attractions - $1.2M

Full details regarding the global domestic and international box office results are listed in the table below.
Click here for full details.

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Open Doors 2014 for African Filmmakers and Distributors


With support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) of the Swiss Foreign Ministry, the Open Doors section aims primarily at assisting directors and producers from countries in the South and the East, where independent filmmaking is vulnerable, and is committed to enabling them to find co-production partners for their new projects.
This initiative focuses on a different region every year and operates in two modes. On the one hand the Open Doors Co-production Lab brings professionals from the chosen region together with potential partners, mostly from Europe, to foster support for projects that would otherwise be difficult to complete. Every year, following a call for submissions, the Festival selects a dozen new projects from the chosen region and at the end of the workshop, the winning projects receive either development or production support.
On the other hand, in order to introduce the Festival audience to the cinematographic and cultural landscape of the chosen region, a number of films are chosen each year to be part of the Open Doors Screenings, a non-competitive section of the Festival.
Since its inception, Open Doors has showcased projects from Cuba and Argentina, countries in the Mekong, the Maghreb, South-East Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand), the Near and Middle East (Mashrek), Latin America, Greater China, central Asia, India, Sub-Saharan francophone Africa and the South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia).
In 2014, Open Doors will welcome again film projects from Sub-Saharan Africa: this time the Lab will focus on all countries, which have not been included in the 2012 edition.
Eligible countries are: Angola, Botswana, Cape Verde, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, São Tomé and Príncipe, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Deadline for submission is March 3rd, 2014.
To submit a film project, please go to http://opendoorsefo.pardo.ch

More Opportunities
List of Opportunities for African Filmmakers and distributors from ACPCultures+ Programme

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Mobile Marketing Association and Vserv.mobi Unveil the first Mobile Internet Consumer Report for Africa


12 Nov 2013 11:00 Africa/Lagos

Mobile Marketing Association and Vserv.mobi Unveil the first Mobile Internet Consumer Report for Africa

JOHANNESBURG, November 12, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --
Mobile Internet Consumers in Africa love downloading games and apps, are educated and possess high spending power
Vserv.mobi, award winning mobile advertising exchange, today released The Mobile Internet Consumer- Africa 2013 report, developed in association with The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA). The report demystifies the evolving Mobile Internet user in Africa and provides insight into the mobile internet usage across six countries namely, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa and Uganda.
     (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120725/546333 )

The report aims to provide media planners, advertisers and brand custodians with in-depth Mobile Internet audience insights, to enhance their reach to the right target audience across Africa.  According to the Africa report, the Mobile Internet user loves downloading games and apps, are educated and visit malls frequently. Some of the key highlights include:

Demographic Profile
  • Over half of the Mobile Internet users in Africa are between 18- 24 years of age and 71% are men
  • Over 3rd of the Mobile Internet users are graduates or post graduates and only 3% belong to the uneducated category
  • Mobile Internet users in Africa own consumer durables (57%), automobiles (35%) and payment cards (48%)
Consumption Habits
  • African consumers love Mobile Ads that provide downloadable content (74%), followed by those that help them learn about a brand (48%), find deals (48%) and locate something nearby (45%)
  • Apps and games (76%) are the most downloaded form of content followed by, videos (55%) and music (51%)

Commenting on the release of the report at the MMA EMEA Forum 2013 in London, Paul Berney, CMO & MD EMEA, MMA, said, "Today it is imperative for advertisers, to understand their consumers' preferences, preempt their needs and target them as efficiently as possible.  Equipped with such insights, brands can improve the relevance of their messaging and enrich consumers' brand-experience. We are delighted to partner with Vserv.mobi to provide brands and marketers with such pertinent insights via the Mobile Internet Consumer 2013 report. We are positive this will help brands optimize their mobile media spends."

Narayan Murthy Ivaturi, General Manager, Global Sales & Strategy, Vserv.mobi, said, "As pioneers in mobile marketing, Vserv.mobi is dedicated to developing the industry and evangelizing it as an effective marketing tool. Our collaborative research with MMA, the apex body of mobile marketing in the world, is testimony to these efforts. This Mobile Internet Consumer report is a ready reckoner and will provide succinct data to reveal rich insights. This will enable marketers to know, understand and target their audience more fittingly by formulating tighter mobile strategies."

The Mobile Internet Consumer report produced by MMA and Vserv.mobi is based on a primary survey of over 2500 mobile web and app users. The two-week long survey was conducted in - October 2013. The Mobile Internet Consumer report is available for India, China, Southeast Asia, Middle East, Africa, Latin America, North America and Europe. A copy of the full report, can be downloaded at http://vserv.mobi/insights

About Mobile Marketing Association
The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) is the premier global non-profit trade association representing all players in the mobile marketing value chain. With more than 700 member companies, the MMA is an action-oriented organization with global focus, regional actions and local relevance. The MMA's primary focus is to establish mobile as an indispensable part of the marketing mix. The MMA works to promote, educate, measure, guide and protect the mobile marketing industry worldwide. The MMA's global headquarters are located in the United States and it has regional chapters including North America (NA), Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), Latin America (LATAM), and Asia Pacific (APAC) branches. For more information, please visit http://www.mmaglobal.com.

About Vserv.mobi
Vserv.mobi is an Award Winning Mobile Advertising Exchange focused on Emerging Markets that maximises value of mobile media for advertisers, developers, publishers and telecom operators. Powered by award winning AudiencePro™ and AppWrapper™ platforms, Vserv.mobi has delivered mobile advertising experiences for leading Fortune 500 brands & digital media companies, across 200 countries. AudiencePro's audience targeting capabilities and AppWrapper's "One Click" SDK integration for App Developers continue to empower the mobile ecosystem. The company has a global presence, with offices across USA, UK, South Africa, India, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia& Vietnam. Funded by IDG ventures, Vserv.mobi was founded in January 2010.

For media enquiries, please contact:
Rachita Vaid
Phone: +91-22-29275746/82
Email: press@vserv.mobi

Mobile Marketing Association (MMA)
Liberty Communications
Rebecca Carnie / Pippa Ellis
Phone: +44(0)207-751-4444
Email: mma@libertycomms.com

Releases displayed in Africa/Lagos time
12 Nov 2013
14:08 MTN Selects Intracom Telecom's Point-to-Multipoint System for Its Network Advancement in the Sub-Saharan Region
11:00 Mobile Marketing Association and Vserv.mobi Unveil the first Mobile Internet Consumer Report for Africa
11:00 La Mobile Marketing Association et Vserv.mobi dévoilent le premier rapport sur les consommateurs de l'Internet mobile en Afrique
07:00 Aviat Networks Upgrades MTN Ghana's Microwave Backbone Capacity
11 Nov 2013
21:00 Digisoft Technology Supports Landmark Content Distribution Program In South Africa
17:19 Le commissaire européen chargé du commerce favorise le progrès sur les accords libre-échange et sur la facilitation du commerce lors de ses visites en Afrique du Sud, au Cameroun et en Côte d'Ivoire
15:00 China Precision Steel Announces the Appointment of New Independent Director
10 Nov 2013
01:12 Minister Paradis Promotes Canada's Priorities at International Organisation of La Francophonie and UNESCO in Paris

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Happy Birthday Charles, Prince of Wales!

Happy Birthday Uncle Charles, Prince of Wales and I wish you many happier returns of the day with longer life and more prosperity and looking forward to your great future as the King of England for the Glory of God.
65 Cheers to your happiness!

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2485093/Charles-65-Hes-porcupine-tooth-pick-doesnt-mobile-But-hes-true-Duchy-original--proud-to-say-Happy-Birthday.html#ixzz2jgtwsEoN


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Farewell Festus Iyayi, Hero of Justice and Truth

Prof. Festus Iyayi. President of Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) from 1986 to 1988. He was born in 1947, in Ugbegun, Ishan, Edo State.

Comrade Festus Iyayi, the first African writer to win the Commonwealth Writer's Prize for Best Book Overall for his classic Nigerian civil war novel Heroes in 1988 has died with his boots on in active service for justice and truth in Nigeria.
He paid the supreme price in supreme sacrifice to secure the future of the poor masses of his socialist cause for true democracy and governance in the most populous country in Africa.

The issues he raised and addressed in his sociopolitical novels and essays have finally cost him his illustrious life as he was killed on Tuesday November 12 in an auto-crash in Lokoja when his vehicle was hit by a Nigerian Police escort truck (Toyota Hilux) in the the convoy of Kogi State Governor, Captain Idris Wada (retd.) The Kogi Sector Command of the Federal Road Safety Commission blamed the driver of the police escort truck for reckless driving by overtaking another vehicle in the convoy and then ramming into the Toyota Hiace bus belonging to the University of Benin's chapter of Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) in which Mr. Iyayi and two others were travelling in the opposite direction. Eye witness accounts reported that Iyayi's vehicle somersaulted three times before hitting a big tree in the bush. He died on the spot.

This tragedy is not unlike the other numerous preventable tragedies in Nigeria that made Iyayi to write Violence, one of his fantastic novels, which include The Contract and Awaiting Court Martial.
Festus Iyayi will be remembered as a highly principled African writer and one of the fearless champions and heroes in the nation building of a New Nigeria in the leadership of Africa.
May his great soul rest in peace.


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Christian Association of Nigerian-Americans Hail US Designation of Boko Haram As A Foreign Terrorist Organization


NEW YORK, Nov. 13, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- AT LAST, the United States government has done the right thing, and members of the Christian Association of Nigerian-Americans, CANAN, with about 1000 local churches in the US, are grateful to the LORD for answered prayers. We commend the US President Barack Obama and the State Department for this forthright decision.

The designation and labeling of Boko Haram and Ansaru terror groups which was announced today in twin statements from the White House and State Department are a gratifying response to the demands of the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, and the Christian Association of Nigerian-Americans.
On behalf of CANAN, Dr. James Fadele, the association's President commends the US government for rising up eventually "to call a spade a spade."

According to him, "since CANAN was formed in September last year, our major request to the American government is for the designation of these terror groups, especially Boko Haram, in the belief that at the very least such a designation would send a clear message to all concerned that the US government will not be handling these matters with kid gloves.

We are delighted today that this has happened even if it took over a year of active advocacy."
It is also our hope that with this significant turn by the US government today, a greater American involvement in the fight against these terror groups would ensue, because there is still a lot more work to be done.

We want to specifically commend the new Assistant Secretary of State for Africa in the State Dept., the Honorable Ms. Linda Thomas-Greenfield and also White House Presidential Assistant for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, Ms. Lisa Monaco for their diligence and forthrightness.
We note that since both said officials took office, a certain change in perspective of the US government over the Boko Haram issue became noticeable.

Ms. Thomas-Greenfield in one of her early press conferences immediately made it clear that the US considers Boko Haram a terror group, while Ms. Monaco had been supportive of the call for Boko Haram designation since she served at the Justice Department, even at a time the previous leadership of State Dept. balked at the idea of designation of this despicable terror group.

SOURCE Christian Association of Nigerian-Americans (CANAN)
CONTACT: Pastor 'Laolu Akande, 516 819 4355, Executive Director, Christian Association of Nigerian-Americans, CANAN
Releases displayed in Africa/Lagos time
14 Nov 2013

 19:04 Hillary Rodham Clinton Receives Global Leadership Award at the Malaria No More International Honors 2013
14:27 Pirates Plunder West Africa Oil and Gas Riches
13:44 Frost & Sullivan Applauds Movitel for Extending Affordable Mobile Communication to Mozambique's Rural and Remote Areas
13:00 Bristow Group To Present At The Barclays Select Growth Conference
11:33 Sasol Signs Exploration Right Permit to Explore for Hydrocarbons in Durban and Zululand Basins, Offshore KwaZulu-Natal
00:24 Africa's "Polo Queen" Neku Atawodi Is First Equestrian Player Ever Featured On Trace Sports Stars Channel
13 Nov 2013
20:44 CANAN Statement On US Designation Of Boko Haram As A Foreign Terrorist Organization, FTO
18:53 AJC Hails U.S Labeling Boko Haram a Terrorist Organization
12:02 Sasol Signs Exploration Right Permit to Explore for Hydrocarbons in Durban and Zululand Basins, Offshore KwaZulu-Natal
11:45 Sasol Signs Exploration Right Permit to Explore for Hydrocarbons in Durban and Zululand Basins, Offshore KwaZulu-Natal

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Catholic Church of the Visitation in Festac Celebrates Harvest of Faith Building


 Catholic Church of the Visitation 1st Avenue Festac Town, Lagos, on Sunday 10th November held her Harvest Thanksgiving and Bazaar. The harvest titled "Harvest of Faith Building" afforded the parishioners an ample opportunity to brand and showcase their products.

~ From Mr. Ingram Adichie Osigwe MD/CEO Fullpage International Communications Limited.

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Nigerian Times Blog Makes Top 200 Blogs for Film on Technorati


151. Nigerian Times

Recent: Happy Birthday Charles, Prince of …
Auth: 130
Moved positive placesChange +5

Nigerian Times is still the most popular and most authoritative Nigerian news and information blog for reports on the motion picture industry and now on the top 200 blogs reporting the film industry on Technorati, the number one Internet search engine for searching blogs. By June 2008, Technorati was indexing 112.8 million blogs and over 250 million pieces of tagged social media.

The name Technorati is a blend of the words technology and literati, which invokes the notion of technological intelligence or intellectualism. Technorati Media's ad network was launched in 2008, becoming a profitable company in 2010 and earning multi-millions in ad revenue for over 1,400 publishers network.

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Dignitaries, others Mourn the Passing of Ikukuoma Nnewi, Eugene Chidiebele Anachebe


A host of Businessmen, academics, industrialists, custom Brass, royal fathers, and other individuals from other walks of life gathered at the Golden Tulip Hotel Amuwo Odofin, Festac Link Road, Lagos , on Tuesday 12th November 2013 to honour  IKUKUOMA NNEWI, EUGENE CHIDIEBELE ANACHEBE ,MD Denca  services limited , who died recently in Lagos .














The event was organized by his committee of friends, business associates, maritime community, his family and entire Nnewi community resident in Lagos.






The chairman of Ekulo Group of companies, Chief (Sir) Emma Bishop Okonkwo OFR, said he was hit hard by Chief. Anachebe’s death.

“We shall all miss EUGENE ANACHEBE. The family will miss a very loving and responsible father; friends will miss a reliable friend, who is loyal, frank and unpretentious; Nigeria and indeed Igbo land will miss another great son who is selfless and large hearted. Associates saw in him a responsible maritime mogul who always enjoyed adding value to peoples’ lives until he breathed his last”, Sir Okonkwo said.

Late Chief Eugene Anachebe will be interred to mother earth on Thursday 28thNovember at his residence, Umudimunkwa, Nnewi, Anambra State.
~ By Mr. Ingram Adichie Osigwe
MD/CEO Fullpage International Communications Limited.

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Gambian Prince Launches Digital Radio And TV For Africans Online


Photo: Beauty Meets The Brain. NTI XANNEN Radio & TV Founder Prince Bubacarr Aminata and "The Gambia´s Oprah Winfrey", Madame Fatou Camara, host of the flagship "FATU SHOW." The two celebrities would have made a glamorious and smart "power couple" on GRTS but that would be too much for some folks. Smartness and innovation are not welcomed in The Gambia.

Prince Bubacarr Sankanu is a Pan African leader who is a lawyer based in Germany.
He is one of the few young Africans who dream big and pursue their dreams without looking back until they have reached their ultimate goals and one of his dreams "NTI XANNEN Rajon do Televisonka (NXR.tv)" was launched on Tuesday 1st October 2013 to respond to the increasing information hunger of Gambians/Africans and the need for an independent media platform for innovative and liberal thinking.



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China's Billionaires Are The Youngest In The World

Ma Huateng, founder and CEO of Chinese firm Tencent. Last year, his internet service empire had 450 million active I-M users and made 1 billion US dollars in revenue. Ma's stake is now worth 3.6 billion dollars. 19 Nov 2013 05:15 Africa/Lagos

China's Billionaires Are The Youngest In The World

157 Billionaires in China With Total Net Worth of US$384 Billion

BEIJING, Nov. 18, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- At 53 years old, the average age of China's 157 billionaires is nine years younger than the global average, according to the Wealth-X and UBS Billionaire Census 2013.
The report, the first-ever global study on this ultra wealth tier, also shows that nearly 90 percent of the country's billionaires made their own fortunes – the highest percentage of self-made billionaires in any country. The other 5 percent inherited their wealth, and the remaining 6 percent inherited and grew their wealth.

With 157 billionaires, China has the second largest billionaire population after the United States, which is home to 515 billionaires with a combined net worth of more than US$2 trillion.
China's billionaire population is predominantly male, and the average Chinese billionaire has an average net worth of US$2.4 billion, with a liquidity of 10 percent.

China's billionaire population grew by 10 individuals between July 2012 and June 2013, the period under study for the report, representing a 6.8 percent increase. The combined net worth of China's billionaires increased to US$384 billion, a 1 percent rise over the same period.

The Wealth-X and UBS Billionaire Census 2013 also reveals the top three cities where China's billionaires reside:
Billionaire Population

Twelve countries were surveyed for the Wealth-X and UBS Billionaire Census 2013, including the United States, Germany, India, the United Arab Emirates, Brazil, South Africa and Australia.

"Wealth-X is pleased to partner with UBS for this inaugural report on the world's billionaire population," said Nick Griffith, Head of North Asia at Wealth-X. "This is our second collaboration with UBS, demonstrating a true partnership between the global leader in wealth management and the world's leading provider of intelligence on the ultra wealthy."

"UBS has had the privilege of serving the world's most successful families for more than 150 years, and we are delighted to partner with Wealth-X in presenting the first Wealth-X and UBS Billionaire Census," said Simon Jin, President of UBS (China) Limited. "In China, most billionaires are entrepreneurs who remain heavily involved in their family businesses. UBS is uniquely positioned to meet the demands of this highly sophisticated clientele by offering integrated services across our wealth management, investment bank and global asset management businesses."

To download the Wealth-X and UBS Billionaire Census 2013, visit the report's microsite at www.billionairecensus.com

About Wealth-X
Wealth-X is the definitive source of intelligence on the ultra wealthy with the world's largest collection of curated research on ultra high net worth (UHNW) individuals, defined as those with net assets of US$30 million and above. Headquartered in Singapore, it has 12 offices in five continents. (www.wealthx.com)

About UBS
UBS draws on its 150-year heritage to serve private, institutional and corporate clients worldwide, as well as retail clients in Switzerland. Its business strategy is centered on its pre-eminent global wealth management businesses and its universal bank in Switzerland. Together with a client-focused Investment Bank and a strong, well-diversified Global Asset Management business, UBS will expand its premier wealth management franchise and drive further growth across the Group.

UBS is present in all major financial centers worldwide. It has offices in more than 50 countries, with about 35 percent of its employees working in the Americas, 36 percent in Switzerland, 17 percent in the rest of Europe, the Middle East and Africa and 12 percent in Asia Pacific. UBS employs about 61,000 people around the world. Its shares are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). (www.ubs.com)

CONTACT: Wealth-X: Fauzi Ahmad, +65 8653 6514, fahmad@wealthx.com; or UBS: Joanna Sin, +8610 5832 7518, joanna.sin@ubs.com
Web Site: http://www.wealthx.com


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Hang Out With Onari Duke @ the Protea Hotel in Ikoyi on December 7


Hang Out With Onari Duke @ the Protea Hotel in Ikoyi on December 7, 2013. @ 2pm

You can join former First Lady of Cross River State, Mrs. Onari Duke and other leading ladies at The Total Professional Woman Network seminar at 2 pm on December 7, 2013, at the prestigious Protea Hotel Ikoyi Westwood on Awolowo Road, Ikoyi, Lagos..
The Total Professional Woman Network. is an initiative set up to equip and empower young ladies for the world of life and work.

Growth opportunities for women within the Nigerian work place have increased significantly within the last few years, however many ladies remain unprepared for the non- technical challenges they will ultimately face at work

We need to equip our young ladies with the social skills and graces they need to excel in the professional world

‘The Total Professional Woman” strives for balance in all areas of her life; personal life, career, and family.

Every female who desires success in all aspects of her life must strive for mastery; she must extend herself and stretch beyond her comfort zone in order to develop her skills and personae

We propose to work with our focus group by providing an opportunity for them to learn and develop skills, interact with top female executives, and also network with peers.


Follow us on twitter @TTPWNetwork

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